Deutsch Home
Our Trading Area

As an international commercial enterprise, we see our objective and our responsibility in conveying the merchandise

  • from the surplus regions to the consumer areas
  • from the producer to the customer
  • in securing the requirement-oriented supply of the processing enterprises
  • and in ensuring the sales-oriented marketing of the products

Our network of connections in Europe provides us with various options to obtain products in demand and to deliver them in conformity with the contracts, as well as to commercialise the products offered at just fair prices.

Our goal is to be a reliable partner for all market-participants in the trade of cereals, oilseeds, feedingstuffs and vegetable oils, and to persistently prove this claim.

connecting supporting linking                              
                                                        regional and global markets  

© 2004 - 2018   Almos Alfons Mosel Handels GmbH